Saturday, February 16, 2008

45 days...YEAH!

I'm back. It has been a while since my last post. I really didn't go anywhere I just have been really busy! First, I can't believe I have been in office for 45 days. That amazes me. It went by so fast. For those of you who didn't catch the Harrison Report last week, Mark Lungariello did a piece on the the new "Community Events" calendar on my site. I have been getting alot of great feedback from community organizations letting me know they are anxious to post to it. That's awesome that so many residents want to get involved. Thanks Mark for writing the article. I added some gadgets to this blog that I thought were helpful. First, there is a weather screen and with the way the weather has been lately you will need it. Second, I added a clock to the top left screen. Now you can see how long you have been surfing the net (j/k)!
As far as town business goes, the new County Recycling Law is now in place you so may be getting an "OOPS" sticker if you don't recycle. If you are confused on what to recycle - don't worry so is everybody else. I added a "Harrison Recycles" page to so check it out for info on the law. If you need more recycle bins (and I know you will) come to Town Hall and you can buy them from the DPW office in the basement. They are $7.00 each bin.
Okay, so you are probably wondering what the "YEAH!" means in the title of this post. "YEAH!" stands for the new section I am creating on this blog called "You Especially Asked Harrison!" It is a section where each week I will feature a question sent to me by you the residents. Want to ask a question? Drop me a line at and ask away. I will respond to all the questions via email but I will answer the one question that is especially asked the most that week. All the names of persons asking will be kept anonymous. So what's the quetion you especially asked this week??? (Drum roll if you will)

"Joe, Is CVS coming to town"

The answer to that is yes, CVS is coming to town. They have been approved and will begin construction shortly.

Okay, so don't forget to send in your questions to get featured next week!

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