Thursday, October 23, 2008

Remembering a Friend

I want to let you know that the Board this evening adopted a Resolution to re-name the Bruce Avenue Library to the "Richard Halperin Memorial Library". The Town lost a great friend in June, Richard Halperin was a member of the Zoning Board and a dedicated public servant of the Town of Harrison. We all in Town will miss him and will always remember him for his dedication to the residents and family. This Resolution is a proper tribute to Richard so that people of Harrison will always know the kind of man he was. A fund was also started in Richards name to raise money to renovate the library. If you would like more information on how you can donate, please call my office at (914) 670-3030.

It's been a while since my last post. Let me update you. I have been working on an AWESOME project for the town that is going to be great when it is done. It involves the new camera and sound equipment for the Council room. This week, four mounted robotic cameras were installed in the council room and new microphones were also installed. This new equipment was provided to us by Cablevision. We also have a new control room adjacent to the dais which will be used to control the equipment - instead of cramming it all into my office ; ) I also recieved a new laptop which will control the Channel 75 community bulletin board. The board will be undergoing construction until I build the pages so hopefully, by Monday the Channel will be up and running. I should probably post pics of what the old system looked like and what the new system will look like so you can get a better idea of what changes are being made. I got some feedback this evening from residents who watched the new system in action. Allow me to address their comments. Some said the picture was too dark. The lighting in the room is the next to go. We have to put better light fixtures in the room and especially over the podium to increase the lighting for the cameras. Some said the sound was a little off. Yes, since this was the first night the microphones were being used it will take sometime to set the volume at the right levels.

Tonight was a good test run but I assure you, it will get much better and we are definately moving into the 21st Century with this equipment. Feel free to drop me an email at or call my office at (914) 670-3030 with your feedback.

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Gonna be a "Great" Weekend ; )

Well, it's finally here. The weekend is upon us. But this is no ordinary weekend for us because this weekend we will celebrate living in this great community. Lot's of festivities are planned over the next three days so let's get into it. First, I am sad to say the fireworks have been cancelled for tomorrow night due to the on going construction on Lake Street. No worries, there is still plenty to do. The Police Department Open House is tomorrow from 10am - 2pm. This is alway's a good time. Bring the family and tour Police Headquarters, check out the inside of a police car, fire engine or ambulance. There will also be a live K9 demonstration as well as plenty of food and giveaways. The County police helicopter is also expected to drop in. On Sunday, stop down at the southbound side of the train station for a car show sponsored by the Harrison Police Association. You can check out the nice rides from 10am - 4pm. And finally, Monday is the big day! The "It's Great to Live in Harrison" Day parade kicks off at 10am and will continue down Halstead Avenue into Riis Park followed by the festival. Lot's of community organizations will be sponsoring booths so be sure to patron them and support your community.

As for me, I will be around. If you see me, be sure to say hi and feel free to start up a chat. I am always interested to hear what's on people's minds. The weather is supposed to be great so, whatever you end up doing - enjoy it.

Have a "Great" weekend!