Monday, May 19, 2008

Harrison Seniors Declare Themselves...

Today, I met with the Hig School Seniors with the goal being to encourage them to register to vote. Let's just say they didn't need much encouragement. From 10:45 until 1:30pm members of the Senior Class gathered around my table to secure their constitutional right. It was interesting to listen as they shared what issues were important to them. Some discussed what party they were joining and why. Many took the application and went off to "think it over" only to come back a few hours later with a look of sheer joy at the fact thay they prioritized their beliefs and came to the conclusion they are a member of a certain party. Joining a political party is not a decision to take lightly. Although, you can always change your party affiliation later, it is wise to first identify the issues that mean the most to you. Whether it be education, homeland security or the economy you should take a position on any issue. Talk with your friends and family to see where your ideas differ and where there are similarities. It is okay if you disagree! I worked and went to school in Washington DC. Everyday, I was surrounded by people who argued about everything from taxes to what to call the french fries in the cafeteria (true story). But, at the end of the day we realized our different beliefs kept the government going. After you get through all that choose the party which closely alligns with your beliefs. Someone once asked me "what is the definition of a Republican?" I told her there was no definition of a Republican just like there is not one for a Democrat. It is a set of beliefs about how our government should run and not run. Check out my friends and partners at for some great info on elections and why you, YES YOU should vote.

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