Statement from Town Clerk Joseph Acocella regarding Veterans Day:
My Friends,
Today, we celebrate, we honor and we remember the men and women in uniform who have given so much of their lives so that we can live ours freely. We salute these veterans who know all too well the sound of the call of duty from our country. Today, I had the honor of sitting with many veterans from many different wars who recalled the moments of their lives when it was uncertain if it would be their last. Veterans Day is a day to recall those memories not because they are sad, but because they are who we are. Those are the memories who define who we are as a nation, a state and as a community.
Everyday we see these men and women in the deli, in the dry cleaners in the post office. They don’t ask for much, only that you stand and recite the pledge of allegiance, that you bow your head when the sound of taps are being played and that you say “thank you” to the ones who have fought and continue to fight for you.
Let’s not just honor these men and women today, but everyday because every day that you live free is day that a soldier did their job.
Thank You
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Remembering a Friend
I want to let you know that the Board this evening adopted a Resolution to re-name the Bruce Avenue Library to the "Richard Halperin Memorial Library". The Town lost a great friend in June, Richard Halperin was a member of the Zoning Board and a dedicated public servant of the Town of Harrison. We all in Town will miss him and will always remember him for his dedication to the residents and family. This Resolution is a proper tribute to Richard so that people of Harrison will always know the kind of man he was. A fund was also started in Richards name to raise money to renovate the library. If you would like more information on how you can donate, please call my office at (914) 670-3030.
It's been a while since my last post. Let me update you. I have been working on an AWESOME project for the town that is going to be great when it is done. It involves the new camera and sound equipment for the Council room. This week, four mounted robotic cameras were installed in the council room and new microphones were also installed. This new equipment was provided to us by Cablevision. We also have a new control room adjacent to the dais which will be used to control the equipment - instead of cramming it all into my office ; ) I also recieved a new laptop which will control the Channel 75 community bulletin board. The board will be undergoing construction until I build the pages so hopefully, by Monday the Channel will be up and running. I should probably post pics of what the old system looked like and what the new system will look like so you can get a better idea of what changes are being made. I got some feedback this evening from residents who watched the new system in action. Allow me to address their comments. Some said the picture was too dark. The lighting in the room is the next to go. We have to put better light fixtures in the room and especially over the podium to increase the lighting for the cameras. Some said the sound was a little off. Yes, since this was the first night the microphones were being used it will take sometime to set the volume at the right levels.
Tonight was a good test run but I assure you, it will get much better and we are definately moving into the 21st Century with this equipment. Feel free to drop me an email at or call my office at (914) 670-3030 with your feedback.
It's been a while since my last post. Let me update you. I have been working on an AWESOME project for the town that is going to be great when it is done. It involves the new camera and sound equipment for the Council room. This week, four mounted robotic cameras were installed in the council room and new microphones were also installed. This new equipment was provided to us by Cablevision. We also have a new control room adjacent to the dais which will be used to control the equipment - instead of cramming it all into my office ; ) I also recieved a new laptop which will control the Channel 75 community bulletin board. The board will be undergoing construction until I build the pages so hopefully, by Monday the Channel will be up and running. I should probably post pics of what the old system looked like and what the new system will look like so you can get a better idea of what changes are being made. I got some feedback this evening from residents who watched the new system in action. Allow me to address their comments. Some said the picture was too dark. The lighting in the room is the next to go. We have to put better light fixtures in the room and especially over the podium to increase the lighting for the cameras. Some said the sound was a little off. Yes, since this was the first night the microphones were being used it will take sometime to set the volume at the right levels.
Tonight was a good test run but I assure you, it will get much better and we are definately moving into the 21st Century with this equipment. Feel free to drop me an email at or call my office at (914) 670-3030 with your feedback.
Friday, October 10, 2008
It's Gonna be a "Great" Weekend ; )
Well, it's finally here. The weekend is upon us. But this is no ordinary weekend for us because this weekend we will celebrate living in this great community. Lot's of festivities are planned over the next three days so let's get into it. First, I am sad to say the fireworks have been cancelled for tomorrow night due to the on going construction on Lake Street. No worries, there is still plenty to do. The Police Department Open House is tomorrow from 10am - 2pm. This is alway's a good time. Bring the family and tour Police Headquarters, check out the inside of a police car, fire engine or ambulance. There will also be a live K9 demonstration as well as plenty of food and giveaways. The County police helicopter is also expected to drop in. On Sunday, stop down at the southbound side of the train station for a car show sponsored by the Harrison Police Association. You can check out the nice rides from 10am - 4pm. And finally, Monday is the big day! The "It's Great to Live in Harrison" Day parade kicks off at 10am and will continue down Halstead Avenue into Riis Park followed by the festival. Lot's of community organizations will be sponsoring booths so be sure to patron them and support your community.
As for me, I will be around. If you see me, be sure to say hi and feel free to start up a chat. I am always interested to hear what's on people's minds. The weather is supposed to be great so, whatever you end up doing - enjoy it.
Have a "Great" weekend!
As for me, I will be around. If you see me, be sure to say hi and feel free to start up a chat. I am always interested to hear what's on people's minds. The weather is supposed to be great so, whatever you end up doing - enjoy it.
Have a "Great" weekend!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Helping Man's Best Friend
Clerk calls on local communities to join him in “starting the trend”.
HARRISON-NY. Town Clerk Joseph Acocella held a meeting today at The New Rochelle Humane Society animal shelter along with officials from the New York State Humane Association (NYSHA) and The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The topic of discussion ranged from dog licensing to puppy mills. “This was a healthy conversation that many communities should be having” said Acocella. Mr. Acocella licenses dogs as part of his role as Harrison Town Clerk, but it was not until he met with members of NYSHA and HSUS a few weeks ago that he learned the true importance of his work. “Man’s best friend is in trouble. As human beings, we owe it to them to take action” Acocella said.
Mr. Acocella called on local municipalities around Westchester to increase their involvement with their local shelters in order to promote pet adoptions, increase dog licensing and finally put an end to the ongoing exploitative practices of puppy mills. “If we truly take a second, and look at the whole picture we see one that is not that pretty. Shelters are overcrowded in some areas, dogs are not being licensed although it is the law, and puppy mills are flourishing. These are all problems which have direct correlations with one another. We need to start the trend in Westchester that can potentially influence other areas of New York if not the country” Acocella said.
Mr. Acocella will continue to work with The New Rochelle Human Society animal shelter as well as the New York State Humane Association and the Humane Society of the United States in order to increase awareness of these problems. For more information on how you can help, please visit or call Mr. Acocella at (914) 670-3030.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembrance, Healing and Praise.

My Friends,
Today is seven years since the September 11th attacks. This is a day of continued remembrance for the people we lost. It is a day of continued healing for ourselves and a day of continued praise for our men and women who put on a uniform and run towards danger day in and day out.
Seven years ago, our lives were very different. At 8:46 a.m. on September 11, 2001 our lives changed forever. Now, we sometimes grow agitated over those changes. Perhaps, for example, you have been forced to put up with time-consuming security demands at an airport, sporting event or concert. But I ask you to ask yourself, how has your life really changed since September 11, 2001? Perhaps you fly an American flag now everyday to show your pride in your country. Perhaps you talk with your family more frequently than ever before because you know that time is precious, or perhaps you thank a Police Officer, Firefighter, EMS worker or soldier when you see them.
When I think of September 11th I think of the song "Hands" by Jewel. There is one part which says:
"I will not be made useless
I won't be idled with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
for light does the darkness most fear
My hands are small, I know...
but they're not yours they are my own
and I am never broken" .
We live in a small town, yes, we have small hands, but those are the hands that will keep the memories of the innocent victims strong. Those are the hands that will keep our country's patriotism alive, and those are the hand which will rebuild those towers. So, I ask you, what will you do with your hands on this seventh anniversary? Post your answer here or call in to the "Harrison Live" radio show at
(914) 636-1460 today between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. where I will be a guest.
May God Bless America.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Community Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2008
There will be a community meeting on Tuesday evening, September 9, 2008 at 7:30pm in the High School auditorium hosted by the Harrison Police Department. The topic of the discussion will be the recent criminal activity which has occurred in town. I will be attending and urge all residents to do so as well. For information, please contact my office at 670-3030.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Got paper?
Today I attended a conference in upstate NY to discuss our archives. As the Clerk, I am the custodian of all town government archives. Needless to say, this is incredibly big responsibility as well as amazing part of my job. However, the current practice of our preservation and storage of archives can not continue. Since January I have met with representatives of NY State Archives, representatives of corporations who specialize in archive management as well as other Town Clerk's throughout the state. Over the course of the next few months I will present a phased plan to the community for our town archives. It is imperative that we take action now to preserve our history for our future.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Statement regarding County Executive Andy Spano's plan to increase certain fees in County Clerk Idoni's office
Calls on County Government to stop bullying taxpayers
Harrison, NY – Town/Village Clerk Joseph Acocella today blasted Westchester County Executive Andy Spano's proposal to raise user fees associated with County Clerk Tim Idoni's office. "It is not only outrageous that the County Executive has proposed this, but it demonstrates how out of touch the leaders in our county government are with their constituents" Acocella said. The County Board of Legislators is considering approving this request, which would be yet another burden on Westchester taxpayers. Mr. Acocella stated, "to start raising fees in this economic climate is a slap in the face to the taxpayers. Everyday I speak to residents, some of whom are even losing their jobs, about the hardships placed on their families by ever increasing taxes. Westchester residents are fed up and they expect and deserve a better solution. Instead of bullying the taxpayers and adding money to an already bloated budget, county officials should be finding ways to cut costs."
Mr. Acocella also called on County Clerk Timothy Idoni to oppose the proposed increase. "Where is the County Clerk? These increases would affect his office and we have not heard from him. He may not have a vote but he does have a voice," Acocella said. Mr. Acocella is urging all Westchester residents to write their County Legislator and tell them to vote against these increases. "Make no mistake, this is a tax hike. The County has obviously proven they cannot be trusted to find economic solutions on their own, therefore, we must take action before they have the opportunity to increase our taxes again for the same services," concluded Acocella.
Calls on County Government to stop bullying taxpayers
Harrison, NY – Town/Village Clerk Joseph Acocella today blasted Westchester County Executive Andy Spano's proposal to raise user fees associated with County Clerk Tim Idoni's office. "It is not only outrageous that the County Executive has proposed this, but it demonstrates how out of touch the leaders in our county government are with their constituents" Acocella said. The County Board of Legislators is considering approving this request, which would be yet another burden on Westchester taxpayers. Mr. Acocella stated, "to start raising fees in this economic climate is a slap in the face to the taxpayers. Everyday I speak to residents, some of whom are even losing their jobs, about the hardships placed on their families by ever increasing taxes. Westchester residents are fed up and they expect and deserve a better solution. Instead of bullying the taxpayers and adding money to an already bloated budget, county officials should be finding ways to cut costs."
Mr. Acocella also called on County Clerk Timothy Idoni to oppose the proposed increase. "Where is the County Clerk? These increases would affect his office and we have not heard from him. He may not have a vote but he does have a voice," Acocella said. Mr. Acocella is urging all Westchester residents to write their County Legislator and tell them to vote against these increases. "Make no mistake, this is a tax hike. The County has obviously proven they cannot be trusted to find economic solutions on their own, therefore, we must take action before they have the opportunity to increase our taxes again for the same services," concluded Acocella.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hunting Licenses on sale today!
Hunting Licenses are now on sale! I am happy to report that the new computer system is up and running in my office. For your convenience, I am keeping my office open until 7pm on Wednesday evening for you to obtain a license as well as for general services.
Monday, August 11, 2008
ummm no title?
I couldn't think of a title for this post because I will be discussing a variety of topics. So, I guess the title is "no title". Now that we got that out of the way let's get into the week. Wednesday I will continue my mobile hours by setting up a table at the "Concert on the Green" in West Harrison from 7pm - 8:30pm (weather permitting). On Thursday I will be at the "Concert in the Park" at Ma Riis Park from 7pm -8:30pm as well. Some have asked what services I will be offering so allow me to share. You can obtain a commuter or handicap parking permit, receive Notary services, register to vote, license your dog (yes, that's a law), request copies of your vital records, pick up information on organ donation, and also drop off donations for the My Soldier and Cell Phones for Soldiers programs. Even if you just want to stop by and say hi that is okay too. Hunting licenses go on sale next Monday August 18, 2008. In order to meet the demands of the community, I am keeping my office open until 7pm Wednesday August 20th. You can also receive general services as well.
The Town Board met last Thursday August 7th so the next Town Board meeting is not until September 4th. You can watch a tape of the meeting everyday at 12pm 6pm and 10pm on Harrison Channel 75.
Well, we are just a few short months away from choosing our next President. Are you prepared to decide? Are you prepared to declare yourself? Do you want to help others? Well??? First, REGISTER TO VOTE! It's easy. Drop by my office - I always love guests and pick up a voter registration form. If you are going to be around November 4th and don't have any plans why not become a poll worker and earn some extra cash? The Westchester County Board of Elections is looking for people to work the polls on Election Day (5:30am - 9pm). I know I know, you don't want to go to work at 5:30 in the morning. Look on the bright side you are earning some money and get to work with me ; ) For more info on becoming a poll worker visit Hurray because time is running out to take the class. Also, if you have a child who is going off to college please, make sure they are registered to vote and make sure they requested an absentee ballot when they registered. If they registered with me at the High School back in May they will receive an absentee ballot application in the mail soon. If they are not sure have them call my office at (914) 670-3030 and I will be happy to help them.
And because you asked Harrison ...
I have BIG news if you have a commuter parking pass. In preparing to send out renewals for next years parking passes, the question of "can I add a third car to my parking permit?" was raised. Since I became the Clerk only 7 months ago I was not around when the two car limit began. Surely there was a reason why only two cars are allowed, there must be an obvious reason why you can only fit two license plates on one pass. Ummmm no. Actually, there was no reason. In thinking "outside the box" I am adding the choice for you for next year. You will now be able to put three cars on one pass that way you have a bigger selection of cars. This comes in handy when parents and kids swap vehicles a lot.
Finally, I invited all three of the Fire Departments in town to show off their stuff in our display case in Town Hall. Come by and view the photos, trophies and fire paraphernalia to see why we call them our bravest.
That's all for now.
The Town Board met last Thursday August 7th so the next Town Board meeting is not until September 4th. You can watch a tape of the meeting everyday at 12pm 6pm and 10pm on Harrison Channel 75.
Well, we are just a few short months away from choosing our next President. Are you prepared to decide? Are you prepared to declare yourself? Do you want to help others? Well??? First, REGISTER TO VOTE! It's easy. Drop by my office - I always love guests and pick up a voter registration form. If you are going to be around November 4th and don't have any plans why not become a poll worker and earn some extra cash? The Westchester County Board of Elections is looking for people to work the polls on Election Day (5:30am - 9pm). I know I know, you don't want to go to work at 5:30 in the morning. Look on the bright side you are earning some money and get to work with me ; ) For more info on becoming a poll worker visit Hurray because time is running out to take the class. Also, if you have a child who is going off to college please, make sure they are registered to vote and make sure they requested an absentee ballot when they registered. If they registered with me at the High School back in May they will receive an absentee ballot application in the mail soon. If they are not sure have them call my office at (914) 670-3030 and I will be happy to help them.
And because you asked Harrison ...
I have BIG news if you have a commuter parking pass. In preparing to send out renewals for next years parking passes, the question of "can I add a third car to my parking permit?" was raised. Since I became the Clerk only 7 months ago I was not around when the two car limit began. Surely there was a reason why only two cars are allowed, there must be an obvious reason why you can only fit two license plates on one pass. Ummmm no. Actually, there was no reason. In thinking "outside the box" I am adding the choice for you for next year. You will now be able to put three cars on one pass that way you have a bigger selection of cars. This comes in handy when parents and kids swap vehicles a lot.
Finally, I invited all three of the Fire Departments in town to show off their stuff in our display case in Town Hall. Come by and view the photos, trophies and fire paraphernalia to see why we call them our bravest.
That's all for now.
Friday, August 1, 2008
New hours announced for August
Today, I announced that my office will continue to adapt to the communities ever changing needs by offering mobile and late hours for the month of August. The dates are as follows:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"Concert on the Green" WH Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm (weather permitting)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
"Concert in the Park" Ma Riis Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm (weather permitting)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Office open late for Hunting Licenses and general services 4pm - 7pm.
If you plan on taking advantage of any one of these locations please
call my office at (914) 670-3030 in advance to learn more about what information you may need to bring with you. See ya soon!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"Concert on the Green" WH Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm (weather permitting)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
"Concert in the Park" Ma Riis Park 7:00pm - 8:30pm (weather permitting)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Office open late for Hunting Licenses and general services 4pm - 7pm.
If you plan on taking advantage of any one of these locations please
call my office at (914) 670-3030 in advance to learn more about what information you may need to bring with you. See ya soon!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gas Prices
A resident read my last blog entry and emailed me with another great site to check for gas prices. To visit it click here. It is hosted by MSN and gives you gas pricing data from over 90,000 gas stations across the country. What's cool is that it is updated every night. As of right now the lowest price is $4.29 and the national average is
$4.47. While your checking how much your gonna pay at the pump check out this site. It tells you how gas prices work and well, who to blame. Happy trails ...
$4.47. While your checking how much your gonna pay at the pump check out this site. It tells you how gas prices work and well, who to blame. Happy trails ...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Month in Review
Well, it official. Summer is halfway over. But wait! My office is still in summer mode and we have got lot's in store for the remaining few weeks. Before I get into that let's recap what's been happening so far. I recieved the new NYS Handicap Parking Meter permits from the State. Applications are available in my office for your doctor to fill out if you believe you are a candidate for one of these waivers. Over the past couple of weeks commuters have voiced there concerns over the parking at the train station. Some have told me that commuters sometimes park their vehicles outside of the white lines of the spot. Please, be courteous of other drivers and park within the white lines of your space. I have asked the Police Traffic Division to paint the lines again to make them more visible. Because there are so many cars the painting has to be done in stages but by the end of the summer the whole commuter lot should be repainted. In other news, my office went mobile for the first time this past Saturday at Trotta's West Street Pharmacy. From 10am - 1pm residents took advantage of obtaining parking permits, Notary services, Organ Donation information as well as dog licenses all from the comfort of their local pharmacy. I would like to thank Trotta's Pharmacy for being gracious hosts and look forward to other mobile hours there. Look for me at the Concert in the Park on August 14th at Ma Riis Park from 7pm - 8:30pm. My mobile hours in West Harrison park got rained out last Wednesday but I will be announcing another date and time to be back in West Harrison soon. On another note, I had the pleasure of speaking with a number of students at Blythedale Children's Hospital on Friday. I want to thank them all for inviting me to their center. I can not begin to tell you how deeply touched I was by their graciousness and spirit. If you would like more information on Blythedale Children's Hospital please visit
In looking ahead, the next Town Board meeting is August 7, 2008 at 7:30pm in Town Hall. If you would like to be placed on the agenda you must submit a written request to my office by 9:30am Thursday July 31, 2008. Hunting licenses go on sale August
18, 2008. I plan to have my office open late one evening around that date in order to accomadate more residents. I will announce a date when the time gets closer. The new is coming along and I hope to have it live soon. That's all for now. Oh wait, I couldn't resist mentioning gas prices in this entry. So, here goes. If you are like me you try to find the lowest gas prices around. I drive an SUV so yeah, after I fill up my tank I usually cry myself all the way home (sniff sniff). Anyway, I checked out this pretty cool site and thought I would share. It's a site where people find low gas prices and sumbit it for others to know about. You can search by your area you live in. They don't have any for Harrison but White Plains came up with three. Check it out if you feel like you have to take on a second job just to pay for gas. Happy travels ...
In looking ahead, the next Town Board meeting is August 7, 2008 at 7:30pm in Town Hall. If you would like to be placed on the agenda you must submit a written request to my office by 9:30am Thursday July 31, 2008. Hunting licenses go on sale August
18, 2008. I plan to have my office open late one evening around that date in order to accomadate more residents. I will announce a date when the time gets closer. The new is coming along and I hope to have it live soon. That's all for now. Oh wait, I couldn't resist mentioning gas prices in this entry. So, here goes. If you are like me you try to find the lowest gas prices around. I drive an SUV so yeah, after I fill up my tank I usually cry myself all the way home (sniff sniff). Anyway, I checked out this pretty cool site and thought I would share. It's a site where people find low gas prices and sumbit it for others to know about. You can search by your area you live in. They don't have any for Harrison but White Plains came up with three. Check it out if you feel like you have to take on a second job just to pay for gas. Happy travels ...
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. Today, I began the day with a press conference at Ma-RIIS Park to discuss two troop support programs I am now involved with. With the Presidential campaign in full swing we, not only as a community, but as a country must pause to recognize that there are troops fighting the real battle out there for us. Not just troops, but brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. Over the next few months we are going to see republicans and democrats battle one another in an historic political war. But we must remember who is really fighting the battle no matter who what political party you belong to. My message today on this Fourth of July was simple: remember those that allow you to call this country the land of the free. I am proud to announce that I have joined the Manhattanville College "My Soldier" Program ( and "Cells Phones for Soldiers ( These two programs, although started from two different organizations share one great common cause and I am proud to join them.
This evening, I concuded my Fourth of July celebration at Roy Alletti's fireworks show. I must compliment Roy and his family for hosting such a wonderful event. Despite the rain, Harrison family and friends packed the Food Emporium shopping center to celebrate America's birthday - Harrison style. Way to go Roy and THANK YOU!
This evening, I concuded my Fourth of July celebration at Roy Alletti's fireworks show. I must compliment Roy and his family for hosting such a wonderful event. Despite the rain, Harrison family and friends packed the Food Emporium shopping center to celebrate America's birthday - Harrison style. Way to go Roy and THANK YOU!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Thank You 4th Graders!
I want to thank all of the Harrison AvenueSchool 4th Graders for visiting me this past week. I recieved all of your Thank You notes and have to say, I am the one who should be thanking you. Your enthusiasm for learning about Town Government and your active participation during the presentation made my experience all the more enjoyable. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and all of your Thank You notes are proudly on display in my office.
I must say, working with these students was probably the most fulfilling part of my job so far. Answering their questions, seeing their reaction to the K9 demonstration, teaching them about the various government departments. I hope they had a great a time as I did. It is important that students today understand how our local government works. After all, it is their Town and they will someday inherit it.
Thank you all again, and my best wishes to you all for an enjoyable summer!
*****Pictures coming soon!*****
I must say, working with these students was probably the most fulfilling part of my job so far. Answering their questions, seeing their reaction to the K9 demonstration, teaching them about the various government departments. I hope they had a great a time as I did. It is important that students today understand how our local government works. After all, it is their Town and they will someday inherit it.
Thank you all again, and my best wishes to you all for an enjoyable summer!
*****Pictures coming soon!*****
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
URGENT! Special Town Board meeting
I was told this morning that a special Town Board meeting will be held tomorrow evening, Wednesday June 18, 2008 beginning at 7:30pm at Town Hall. The topic of the meeting will be the investigator for the Police Department. The public portion of be called to order at 7:30pm and immediately be adjourned to executive session.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Gone Fish'n
I am happy to report that fishing licenses are now on sale in my office. When I first arrived back in January I noticed the computer that was being used to register residents for hunting and fishing licenses was outdated and obsolete. In fact, it was taking up space. So, I spoke with representatives of the Department of Environmental Conservation and asked them if we could use our own computers instead. They agreed and now, we have a brand new laptop which uses a web based software to issue licenses. We are also utilizing the computer when it is not being used for licenses to look up general info for office visitors and it takes up half the space of the state owned computer. I want to thank the residents who hung in there while we got up and running and also thank Mamaroneck for taking on the extra work of issuing licenses to our residents during that period.
Stop in today to get your fishing license. We offer the serice Mon-Fri 9am-4pm.
Stop in today to get your fishing license. We offer the serice Mon-Fri 9am-4pm.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Busy Weekend in West Harrison

I want to mention some important events I attended this past weekend in West Harrison. On Friday evening, St. Anthony's Church held its first annual "Blue Mass" which honored all the Firefighters, Police Officers, EMT's and Civic Officials in Harrison, West Harrison and Purchase. It was very welll attended. I want to first wecome St. Anthony's new addition, Father Chris to our community and thank him for hosting such a wonderful event. Also, congratulations are in order because Chief Pat Galluzzo of the West Harrison Fire Department announced that Father Chris was named "Department Chaplain" and an official helmet was presented to him. It was a great experience to see such admiration from both Father Chris and the Department. After the service, a blessing was bestowed upon all the emergency vehicles outside the Church inlcuding the new 2162 Chief's Truck driven by 1st Assistant Chief Dino Delsignore of the Downtown Fire Department. Lookin good Chief DelSignore - best of luck.
On Sunday, I attended the West Harrison Fire Department "Wet Down" for the new Utility 85 Truck which was recently purchased. As you can see above, this truck will be put to good use and will serve not only West Harrison Firefighters but, surroundng communities during mutual aide calls. Many people have asked me "what is a wet down?". A Wet Down is an event that is held everytime a Fire Department gets a new vehicle whether it be a truck, an engine etc. It is the celebration before the "maiden voyage" if you will. It is first blessed and then a bottle of champagne is usually broken over it to sybolize its beginning. Lastly, comes the wet down - and I mean WET! Picture the coach of the winning team at the end of the Super Bowl - only 100x bigger. Be sure to bring a bathing suit if you ever want to stand close to the vehicle while this is happening. Trust me.
Well, that was it. A great weekend with great friends. What more could you want? Okay, I could have stayed a little dryer ; )
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Valuable Lesson
I would like to thank the students and faculty at the Herman Ridder Junior High School 98 in the Bronx, NY for inviting me to Career Day today. While addressing over 50 students, I not only talked about my job but my experiences growing up that inspired me to go into public service. I stressed to each student that, no matter what life may throw at you everyone has a value and a purpose. It is up to only you as an individual to find that purpose and to maintain your value. I too learned a valuable lesson today. We must do everything we can to be positive role models for our future generation not just here in Harrison but anywhere we are called. I also would like to thank Harrison Youth Officer Gary Chiarella who joined me and spoke with students about being a Police Officer. It was an inspiring day to see young minds actively thinking about their futures which certainly look bright. Thank you to all of you and my sincerest wishes.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Remembering this Memorial Day.
Today, I joined hundreds of Harrison residents to honor our men and women in uniform who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Today, I joined hundreds of Harrison residents to remember that freedom is not free and that it carries a heavy price. Today, I joined hundreds of Harrison residents to remember this Memorial Day. It is important that we, not as Respublicans or Democrats, but as citizens of this democracy continue to build on the foundation freedom that was layed for us by these service men and women. If we fail to remember their sacrifice, then we fail to remember who we are as a country.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
You're out, so i'm in!
My first set of "Evening Hours" was a success! The office was open from 6:30pm until 8pm to ofer my services to Harrison residents who would otherwise be unable to make it during the day. Three couples came in to apply for their marriage licenses becuase they all have wedding cermonies within the next 60 days. I am happy it worked out and will be checking the calendar to determine the next time I stay open late. Keep an eye out for advertisements on this site as well as channel 75.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Harrison Seniors Declare Themselves...
Today, I met with the Hig School Seniors with the goal being to encourage them to register to vote. Let's just say they didn't need much encouragement. From 10:45 until 1:30pm members of the Senior Class gathered around my table to secure their constitutional right. It was interesting to listen as they shared what issues were important to them. Some discussed what party they were joining and why. Many took the application and went off to "think it over" only to come back a few hours later with a look of sheer joy at the fact thay they prioritized their beliefs and came to the conclusion they are a member of a certain party. Joining a political party is not a decision to take lightly. Although, you can always change your party affiliation later, it is wise to first identify the issues that mean the most to you. Whether it be education, homeland security or the economy you should take a position on any issue. Talk with your friends and family to see where your ideas differ and where there are similarities. It is okay if you disagree! I worked and went to school in Washington DC. Everyday, I was surrounded by people who argued about everything from taxes to what to call the french fries in the cafeteria (true story). But, at the end of the day we realized our different beliefs kept the government going. After you get through all that choose the party which closely alligns with your beliefs. Someone once asked me "what is the definition of a Republican?" I told her there was no definition of a Republican just like there is not one for a Democrat. It is a set of beliefs about how our government should run and not run. Check out my friends and partners at for some great info on elections and why you, YES YOU should vote.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
It's May!
Well, it's May. Happy May everyone. As we enter a new month, I am rolling (no pun intended) right along with lots of exciting things happening around the office. First, I want to thank all of you who participated in any of my "Donate Life" events during the month of April. Whether you listened to me speak about this life saving cause, gave blood or even became a donor I want you to know that I would not have been able to provide this advocacy campaign for the Town without the supportive residents such as yourself. Just because "Donate Life Month" is over doesn't mean we are done. You can still come by the office or visit my main site at for info on how to become a donor.
Secondly, I want to address a question I got this evening from a resident. He is a subscriber to my email list and loves getting the agendas delivered to his inbox on the day of the Town Board meetings. However, his question was "Joe, why do you send out the agendas so late on the day of the Town Board meeting?". I send out the agendas between 4pm and 5pm on the night of the meeting because many times the agenda is not final until that time. A "Draft" version of the agenda is prepared by my office the Friday before each meeting and sent to the Town Board. However, many times "Late Items" are brought to my office and added to the agenda between that Friday and the day of the meeting. On the day of the meeting I meet with the Mayor and review the items for that night to ensure all Board members have proper documentation and to set a "Final" agenda. During this review meeting, items can still be added or withdrawn. Once that meeting has taken place, the "Final" draft is prepared and I send it out on my email list and post it to the site. I want to be sure you have the most up to date agenda so it is easier for you to follow along at home.
Lastly, by reading my previous posts you know I began my week in Saratoga at a coference with the New York State Clerks. After three days of meeting with my counterparts from all over NY I am back in town with new ideas for the office. During my visit I met with members of the Department of State, Department of Health, Department of Enironmental Conservation, Committee on Open Government, veteran Clerks as well as new Clerks. I went in with one question "how can this help Harrison?" I will be sharing the answer to that question as time goes on but for now, just know I am happy to be back and can't wait to get started.
Secondly, I want to address a question I got this evening from a resident. He is a subscriber to my email list and loves getting the agendas delivered to his inbox on the day of the Town Board meetings. However, his question was "Joe, why do you send out the agendas so late on the day of the Town Board meeting?". I send out the agendas between 4pm and 5pm on the night of the meeting because many times the agenda is not final until that time. A "Draft" version of the agenda is prepared by my office the Friday before each meeting and sent to the Town Board. However, many times "Late Items" are brought to my office and added to the agenda between that Friday and the day of the meeting. On the day of the meeting I meet with the Mayor and review the items for that night to ensure all Board members have proper documentation and to set a "Final" agenda. During this review meeting, items can still be added or withdrawn. Once that meeting has taken place, the "Final" draft is prepared and I send it out on my email list and post it to the site. I want to be sure you have the most up to date agenda so it is easier for you to follow along at home.
Lastly, by reading my previous posts you know I began my week in Saratoga at a coference with the New York State Clerks. After three days of meeting with my counterparts from all over NY I am back in town with new ideas for the office. During my visit I met with members of the Department of State, Department of Health, Department of Enironmental Conservation, Committee on Open Government, veteran Clerks as well as new Clerks. I went in with one question "how can this help Harrison?" I will be sharing the answer to that question as time goes on but for now, just know I am happy to be back and can't wait to get started.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Day one and "I Taut I Taw A Puddy Tat"
Day one in Saratoga was eventful so I am going to get right into it. I began with meeting with the Robert Freeman who is the Executive Director on the Committee on Open Government. The Committee is a part of the Department of State and is responsible for overseeing and advising with regards to Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), open meetings and the Personal Privacy Protection Laws. Since FOIL's are submitted to my office and I am responsible for the minutes of the Town Board it is important that I am well versed in this type of law. My next meeting was with the Department of Health regarding Birth and Death Certificates. I am the official registrar of the Town of Harrison and therefore, issue both of these types of certificates. If someone is born or dies within the borders of the Town/Village of Harrison I must issue the certificate. My third class involved a discussion with Clerks regarding minutes of the Town Board. As Clerk, I am the official author of the minutes of all Town and Village Board meetings. I must record the decisions of the Board, and how the matter was voted on. By law, I am not required to record any comments made by Board members or members of the public. However, because these actions govern the Town. It is important that we understand how the Board reached their decision. At times, my minutes can be lengthy. However, today I learned some valuable tips to shorten them so they don't turn to hours.
Lastly, this evening I had pleasure of dining at the historic Gideon Putnam Hotel on the grounds of the 2,300 acre Saratoga Spa State Park. Unfortunately, it was raining so I didn't get to see the geysers or bottle any water. Hopefully before I leave.
Before I end this post let me say that I have been witness to many walks of life crossing the road. Pedestrians, rabbits, deer you name it. However, this evening was certainly the first time I ever witnessed a mountain lion taking a stroll across a road. Yes, you read it correctly - a mountain lion. Without getting into it just know I did tell the police and got back to the hotel safely to tell this true tale of how dangerous the life of a clerk really is ; )
Lastly, this evening I had pleasure of dining at the historic Gideon Putnam Hotel on the grounds of the 2,300 acre Saratoga Spa State Park. Unfortunately, it was raining so I didn't get to see the geysers or bottle any water. Hopefully before I leave.
Before I end this post let me say that I have been witness to many walks of life crossing the road. Pedestrians, rabbits, deer you name it. However, this evening was certainly the first time I ever witnessed a mountain lion taking a stroll across a road. Yes, you read it correctly - a mountain lion. Without getting into it just know I did tell the police and got back to the hotel safely to tell this true tale of how dangerous the life of a clerk really is ; )
Monday, April 28, 2008
Blogging from Saratoga
This week I will be blogging from Saratoga! About a 45 minutes north of Albany, Saratoga is home to the Saratoga Racetrack, bed & breakfasts and plenty of shopping. But this week, this Town of about 5,100 residents is hosting about 400 Clerks from around New York for the NY State Clerks Conference. Since my arrival this afternoon, I wasted no time meeting my counterparts who work everywhere from Long Island to Buffalo. I have met Clerks who are new like I am and I have met Clerks who have been on the job for over 20 years. I have talked with Clerks who serve populations as big as 150,000 and as small as 1700. My goal of the next few days is to absorb as much information as possible so I can bring new and exciting ideas back to you. I will keep you posted on the classes I go to and the people I meet.
I have an early morning ahead so that's all for now.
I have an early morning ahead so that's all for now.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Harrison gave their best!
Today, I am happy to report that the Blood Drive was a success! I would like to thank all the members of our community who "gave their best" today. By donating blood, you are helping save many lives and because of that you should be proud. This event is the result of what happens when collaborations take place for the common good. I want to thank all the people who I was proud to partner with specifically Chief Joe Bilotto, the entire Harrison EMS and the NY Blood Center. Without their help this life saving event could not have taken place. If you are interested in donating blood in the future please contact the NY Blood Center at (800) 933-2566 or visit Thanks again!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness
Join me Monday evening April 21st, for an informational session regarding this life saving cause.
Time: 7pm
Location: Town Hall
1 Heineman Place
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Twitter in Plain English from leelefever on Vimeo.
I'm on Twitter! Don't worry I didn't know what it was either. The best way to explain it is to watch the video above. I will still be doing plenty of blogging. I just thought this was a great way to let you know what I am up to even before I do it or as i'm doing it! Pretty cool huh? So, enjoy and you can find me at A link will be put on my main page this week.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
"On the Air"
Today I had the pleasure of being on the "Harrison Live" radio show with Dennis Nardone and Tonny Guido on WVOX Radio. I want to thank Dennis and Tonny and all the staff at WVOX for welcoming me at the studio and I can't wait to do it again.We had a great hour long conversation about Harrison and the direction my office is taking. It was acutally my first time in a radio recording studio so I was a little nervous, but, as you can see from the pics they all made me feel at home. Thanks everyone!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
On WVOX Radio
It has been a crazy week to say the least. However, let me say I wouldn't have it any other way. Just wanted to let you know that I will be on the "Harrison Live" radio show with Dennis Nardone on WVOX 1460AM tomorrow, April 3rd beginning at 2pm. I will be taking calls as well as dicussing my new "Donate Life Harrison" campaign which was launched this week in honor of National Donate Life Month. You can listen in your car or at home by switching to 1460AM or listen live at work at (just make sure your boss says it's Can't wait!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A Partnership for Life

I announced today that in honor of April being National Organ Donor Awareness Month, my office has joined the U.S. Health and Human Services' Workplace Partnership for Life campaign, a nationwide effort to increase the number of organ and tissue donors in the United States and specifically, in the Greater New York metropolitan area.
The goal of this partnership is to educate residents and their families about organ and tissue donation and get them registered.
I am working closely with the NY Organ Donor Network to increase enrollment in the New York State Organ and Tissue Donor Registry and to raise awareness among my constituents. All information is maintained by the State Department of Health to record one's intent to donate and is strictly confidential.
As professionals, we can collectively help to save more lives through organ and tissue donation. Through this cause, we can help 8,000 New Yorkers in the metropolitan area, who are awaiting organ transplants and thousands more, who need tissue transplants. By saying "yes" to donation, you could be giving someone the gift of life.
Organ donation has been a big part of my life. I made a promise that if I ever became a public official I would do everything I could to promote the donation of life and now is my chance. I received a kidney transplant eight years ago when I was a senior in high school, my mother also received a kidney transplant in 1992 from a kidney donated by my father. It is a very real part of my life and I want to educate others about it.
The New York Organ Donor Network and my office will host an informational session regarding organ and tissue donation for the public on Monday evening April 21, 2008 at Harrison Town Hall beginning at 7pm. I will also be co-hosting a blood drive with Harrison EMS Chief Joseph Bilotto on Friday April 25th from 2:30pm-7:30pm at EMS Headquarters. Finally, you can hear me speak about the subject in an interview with WVOX Radio on Thursday, April 3rd from 2pm -3pm. You can listen live at or 1460AM on your radio dial.
For more info come to my office at Town Hall and pick up your free brochure or visit my main page at and follow the organ donor links.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Change for the meter?

On January 14, 2008, the State Legislature added a new section to Chapter 243 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) to provide for the issuance of a metered parking waiver (MV-664MP) to certain severely disabled individuals. The metered parking waiver allows the holder to park at any parking meter in any city, town or village throughout New York State without putting payment into the meter, providing that the holder is driving the vehicle and is not accompanied by a person who is able to put payment into a parking meter.
This is certainly a new law that many residents are unaware of and therefore, over the course of the next few weeks I will be working with the State Department of Motor Vehicles and the Harrison Police Department to set clear guidelines for distribution to Harrison residents. Many residents have already been in to see me regarding this new law, and I want to make you aware that presently, I do not have the permits in my office. I hope to begin distribution by the summer time.
This law can and will help so many residents; however, I want to be careful that people do not take advantage of the system. I hope to have more information for you soon
Monday, March 17, 2008
Governor David Paterson
Today, David Paterson was sworn in as our 55th Governor. As we turn the page on a horrible scandal that tested our belief in government, I ask that you join me in welcoming the new Chief Executive as he begins an historic chapter in Albany. In his inaugural address, Governor Paterson stated "we are a government made up of laws, and not individuals". I could not agree more. No person is above the law and all elected officials whether Republican or Democrat must be held accountable for their actions. I wish the Governor the best of luck and welcome his bipartisan approach to politics.
Friday, March 14, 2008
You asked..
A question many residents have asked is "how do I go about getting a handicap parking permit?" First, let me say that if you do not need a handicap permit PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR ONE OR USE SOMEONE ELSE'S. I know from experience that many people take advantage of the handicap permits and that is not fair to others who need to park closer for safety and health reasons. If you do not have a safety and health reason please be considerate of others who do and refrain from using the permits. Okay, with that said.
If you or someone you know need a permit and are under the age of 80 years the person applying must get a note from their doctor stating they need a permit. I will waive the note requirement for two conditions 1) The applicant has a obvious disability. 2) The applicant is 80 years old or older.
Once the applicant has proven the need for a permit they may come to the office
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm or call to make an appointment for a house visit.
Once a person has been granted a handicap permit that permit may go in any car the designee goes in. IT MAY NOT BE USED IF THE DESIGNEE IS NOT USING THE VEHICLE. There is no charge for the handicap permits. The applicant does not need to have a drivers license in order to recieve a permit. Remember: the permit is granted to the person and can go in any car the designee is in even if they are the passenger. If you have any questions feel free to call us at (914) 670-3030.
If you or someone you know need a permit and are under the age of 80 years the person applying must get a note from their doctor stating they need a permit. I will waive the note requirement for two conditions 1) The applicant has a obvious disability. 2) The applicant is 80 years old or older.
Once the applicant has proven the need for a permit they may come to the office
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm or call to make an appointment for a house visit.
Once a person has been granted a handicap permit that permit may go in any car the designee goes in. IT MAY NOT BE USED IF THE DESIGNEE IS NOT USING THE VEHICLE. There is no charge for the handicap permits. The applicant does not need to have a drivers license in order to recieve a permit. Remember: the permit is granted to the person and can go in any car the designee is in even if they are the passenger. If you have any questions feel free to call us at (914) 670-3030.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Goin... Green...
Okay, so I forgot to wear green to the Senior Citizens St. Patricks Day Luncheon. At least Mrs. Guadenzi (pictured with me above) made up for my lack of "goin green". As you guessed it, I visited the West Harrison Seniors today and had a great time. The best part of my visit was that I was able to bring my office to them. Today, from 11am - 1pm the Town Clerk's Office went mobile. We had the opportunity to renew/issue handicap parking permits and meet with seniors to discuss how my office can better serve them. My number one priority is to make my office accessible to all residents. Sure I have put many of the services online, but many residents prefer to conduct business face to face. But that does not mean I still can't go to the resident. I announced today that I will be continuing the satellite office in West Harrison at the Mintzer Center on specific dates. Those dates will be posted on channel 75 and on my website when they are finalized. I urge all West Harrison and Purchase residents take advantage of my services when I am at the Mintzer Center in order to save a trip to Town Hall. I want to thank Ron Belmont, the entire recreation staff and the West Harrison Seniors for hosting me today and I will see you all soon. Tomorrow, I will be visiting the Downtown Harrison Seniors group for their St.
Patricks Day luncheon. It's a good thing I like corn beef and
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Old friends, new beginnings...
This past weekend, I had the honor of reuniting with a friend who I knew was destined for greatness. I want to introduce pictured with me above from left to right: Joy Kabanuck, Sara Gettelfinger and Harrison's own Kelly Levesque. All three ladies make up the incredible vocal sensation the "Three Graces". I had the honor of attending their sold out performance with new opera star Paul Potts on Saturday night in New Jersey as they continue to tour aroud the US, Canada and Mexico. Their self entitled debut album hit stores on March 4th and I urge you to definately get a copy. If you like opera, pop or broadway these ladies definately belong in your cd collection. Check out their website at
Awesome job ladies and I wish you nothing but the best!
Friday, March 7, 2008

This evening, I recieved a notice from Commissioner of Public Works Bob Wasp that the Town and Con Edison are preparing for a rain storm that will begin tonight and last through the weekend. Forcasters are predicting 4 inches of rain will fall by Saturday morning along with 40mph winds by Saturday afternoon. I sent an email notification to residents on my list serve regarding this storm and more info is on Channel 75. Residents may call Con Ed directly at 1800-75-ConEd or visit Also, you may check out the latest doppler radar from News 12 by clicking here. Stay dry!
Spring Ahead!

Just a quick post to remind you that Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am Sunday morning. So, don't forget to turn your clocks ahead 1 hour before going to bed Saturday night. Ever wonder why we have Daylight Saving Time? Click here for the answer and for some additional info on how the rest of the world participates in the practice.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Better late than never...

I wanted to share this picture with everyone. This was taken after the Downtown Fire Department's Installation of Officers Ceremony in January. I just recieved it for the simple fact nobody could remember who took it! LOL. So after a month of questioning the usual suspects we found the photographer (thanks Mandi) Anyway, pictured with me from left to right is Second Assistant Fire Chief David Cox, First Assistant Fire Chief Dino Delsignore, and new Harrison EMS Chief Joe Bilotto. Missing from the photo is Chief Henry Mohr.
As a member of the Downtown Fire Department, I wish these men as well as all the members of the Department nothing but the best as they continue to serve the Town/Village of Harrison with their dedication and committment to the safety of its residents. Be safe guys!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
45 days...YEAH!
I'm back. It has been a while since my last post. I really didn't go anywhere I just have been really busy! First, I can't believe I have been in office for 45 days. That amazes me. It went by so fast. For those of you who didn't catch the Harrison Report last week, Mark Lungariello did a piece on the the new "Community Events" calendar on my site. I have been getting alot of great feedback from community organizations letting me know they are anxious to post to it. That's awesome that so many residents want to get involved. Thanks Mark for writing the article. I added some gadgets to this blog that I thought were helpful. First, there is a weather screen and with the way the weather has been lately you will need it. Second, I added a clock to the top left screen. Now you can see how long you have been surfing the net (j/k)!
As far as town business goes, the new County Recycling Law is now in place you so may be getting an "OOPS" sticker if you don't recycle. If you are confused on what to recycle - don't worry so is everybody else. I added a "Harrison Recycles" page to so check it out for info on the law. If you need more recycle bins (and I know you will) come to Town Hall and you can buy them from the DPW office in the basement. They are $7.00 each bin.
Okay, so you are probably wondering what the "YEAH!" means in the title of this post. "YEAH!" stands for the new section I am creating on this blog called "You Especially Asked Harrison!" It is a section where each week I will feature a question sent to me by you the residents. Want to ask a question? Drop me a line at and ask away. I will respond to all the questions via email but I will answer the one question that is especially asked the most that week. All the names of persons asking will be kept anonymous. So what's the quetion you especially asked this week??? (Drum roll if you will)
"Joe, Is CVS coming to town"
The answer to that is yes, CVS is coming to town. They have been approved and will begin construction shortly.
Okay, so don't forget to send in your questions to get featured next week!
As far as town business goes, the new County Recycling Law is now in place you so may be getting an "OOPS" sticker if you don't recycle. If you are confused on what to recycle - don't worry so is everybody else. I added a "Harrison Recycles" page to so check it out for info on the law. If you need more recycle bins (and I know you will) come to Town Hall and you can buy them from the DPW office in the basement. They are $7.00 each bin.
Okay, so you are probably wondering what the "YEAH!" means in the title of this post. "YEAH!" stands for the new section I am creating on this blog called "You Especially Asked Harrison!" It is a section where each week I will feature a question sent to me by you the residents. Want to ask a question? Drop me a line at and ask away. I will respond to all the questions via email but I will answer the one question that is especially asked the most that week. All the names of persons asking will be kept anonymous. So what's the quetion you especially asked this week??? (Drum roll if you will)
"Joe, Is CVS coming to town"
The answer to that is yes, CVS is coming to town. They have been approved and will begin construction shortly.
Okay, so don't forget to send in your questions to get featured next week!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Harrison has spoken!
On Tuesday, Harrison voters voiced their opinions at the polls and chose who they wanted to be their parties candidates. While the number of voters from each Party are still being tallied, I can give you a general picture of Harrison's choice. Please keep in mind, I am giving you the results from the top two candidates in each party.
Senator Clinton recieved 977 votes while Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) recieved 723. On the Republican line, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) recieved 722 votes while former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) recieved 318. There are 19 voting districts in Harrison with polling locations in Downtown Harrison, West Harrison and Purchase.
Don't like the results? Well do something about it! Tell your family, friends and neighbors to register and vote. You have eight months until the general election - get out the vote!
Senator Clinton recieved 977 votes while Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) recieved 723. On the Republican line, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) recieved 722 votes while former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) recieved 318. There are 19 voting districts in Harrison with polling locations in Downtown Harrison, West Harrison and Purchase.
Don't like the results? Well do something about it! Tell your family, friends and neighbors to register and vote. You have eight months until the general election - get out the vote!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Was it so "Super"?
Well, "Super Tuesday" has come and gone and while the votes are stll being tallied it appears that Senator Clinton is the Democratic choice for New York and Senator John McCain is the Republican choice as well. The two had alot to celebrate last evening but they still have a long way to go in order to get the Presidential nomination from their parties. A number of primaries are still scheduled throughout March and April so, they still will be criss crossing the nation.
Throughout the day I visited with polling locations and spoke with residents to get an idea of their feelings on the whole primary process. Some were registered members of the Indepedance Party and were not allowed to vote in the race, others did not want to vote their party and wanted to switch right there at the polling location. So, I guess my question is; was it all so "super"? I want some more feedback on your thoughts or encounters in the process and what you would change. Post a response to this comment and let me know or drop me an email at Hope to hear from you soon!
Throughout the day I visited with polling locations and spoke with residents to get an idea of their feelings on the whole primary process. Some were registered members of the Indepedance Party and were not allowed to vote in the race, others did not want to vote their party and wanted to switch right there at the polling location. So, I guess my question is; was it all so "super"? I want some more feedback on your thoughts or encounters in the process and what you would change. Post a response to this comment and let me know or drop me an email at Hope to hear from you soon!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Today is Super Tuesday (feel free to make your own trumpet noises)!I want to urge everyone to vote today in the primary election. Just a few reminders:
1) You musr be a registered Republican or Democrat to vote today
2) You must vote your own party
3) Polls open at 6am and close at 9pm SHARP! Please do not put off voting and say "I have plenty of time" and before you know it you are home watching American Idol and forget all about it! (sigh)
4) I will be in the office at 5am which is only in a few hours so I should probably be sleeping but instead I am reminding you to vote. So please do.
5) You vote at your normal polling location. If you are unsure of where that is I made a pdf file of the locations for your convenience, simply click on the scroll on the homepage and download it. Feel free to print it out for your friends or family whomever and give them away as gifts (joke).
6) If you need anything or if you have ANY questions/comments/concerns etc.. CALL ME or drop me an email. I will have my cell with me and am able to recieve emails at If you see me at a polling location which I will be visiting be sure to say hi and tell me how you like the blog.
Okay, I think you have all your info. So, go out and exercise your right as a free American and vote!
P.S. Be sure to thank your poll workers for their help.
See ya at the polls!
1) You musr be a registered Republican or Democrat to vote today
2) You must vote your own party
3) Polls open at 6am and close at 9pm SHARP! Please do not put off voting and say "I have plenty of time" and before you know it you are home watching American Idol and forget all about it! (sigh)
4) I will be in the office at 5am which is only in a few hours so I should probably be sleeping but instead I am reminding you to vote. So please do.
5) You vote at your normal polling location. If you are unsure of where that is I made a pdf file of the locations for your convenience, simply click on the scroll on the homepage and download it. Feel free to print it out for your friends or family whomever and give them away as gifts (joke).
6) If you need anything or if you have ANY questions/comments/concerns etc.. CALL ME or drop me an email. I will have my cell with me and am able to recieve emails at If you see me at a polling location which I will be visiting be sure to say hi and tell me how you like the blog.
Okay, I think you have all your info. So, go out and exercise your right as a free American and vote!
P.S. Be sure to thank your poll workers for their help.
See ya at the polls!
Friday, February 1, 2008
West Harrison Fire Department Installation
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Preserving the future
Today, I met with Town Historian Barbara Specht from the Charles Dawson History Center and took a trip back in time. I was amazed at all the items she had from Harrison going back centuries. Last week she asked the Town Board to consider moving the Dawson Center to the train station which would put it in a higher traffic area as well as a larger space. The Center is currently located in the basement of the Park Lane Club House in West Harrison. The Town Board did not take action on the request but did ask Barbara to come back with approximately how much more square footage she would need. Members of the Board also considered whether if the new Senior Annex in West Harrison would be a better location for the History Center. Construction on the new Senior Annex is to begin in late March.
Before leaving the center I took some momentos for the office with me. Ever wonder who Feeley Field was named after? How about Ma Riis Park? Want to know how the train station was built in Harrison? Find out by stopping by my office and taking a look at the new photos hanging up. As Town Clerk, I am charged with preserving Harrison's official records. As Town Historian, Barbara is charged with preserving Harrison's past. Togethether, we are working for the betterment of Harrison's future. Join us! I urge all residents to take a trip to the center and be a a part of Harrison's history. For more info call the Dawson Center at (914) 948-2550 or call my office at (914) 670-3030.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Swearing in of Planning Board
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
New counter with a new concept.
I have to thank our town Building Department for the phenomenal job they did on the front counter. I wish I had a picture of it before, but nevertheless the picture on the bottom is what it looks like now. What a difference! When I first arrived in the office I was not a fan of the old counter. I felt it was a large barrier between me and the residents. As I said in the Harrison Report; "I am not running a DMV here". However, I noticed some liked the convenience of walking right up and utilizing it. So, I met with our very talented craftsmen and discussed my concerns with them. I then left them to their imaginations and before I knew it the counter was missing and two days later a new one was presented to me with a whole new look and concept. Visitors are still able to walk up to one side and utilize it if they wish or perhaps you may want to sit down and talk on the desk side. It serves two purposes and makes it easier for residents. Thank guys you really outdid yourselves!
New name, new vision!
Now it's even easier to access my page! Simply go to to check out what's new from my office. Also, I listened to your feedback concerning how to register for my email list so now that's even easier to do! Just click on the email list link on my page and fill in the spaces and you're done! Fast, easy and accessible.
I am working night and day with the Town IT Department and website design specialists to bring you a fresh new look and a whole new vision. Stay tuned and keep sending me feedback on what you want to see.
I am working night and day with the Town IT Department and website design specialists to bring you a fresh new look and a whole new vision. Stay tuned and keep sending me feedback on what you want to see.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Westchester Town Clerk's Meeting
Today, I had the priviledge of meeting with many Town Clerk's from all over Westchester County at a roundtable luncheon to discuss mutual interests. Topics varied from the upcoming primary on February 5th to the use of credit card machines in our offices. By attending these discussions, I am able to learn what other Town Clerk's are offering in their towns and determine if their needs are the same as Harrison's. We can also problem solve by learning from eachother as to what works and what doesn't. I definately left with some great ideas for Harrison and look forward to implementing them soon!
Monday, January 14, 2008
WFAS on Channel 75
I am pleased to announce that we will now be playing the WFAS radio station on channel 75. As many of you are aware, 103.9 WFAS is a Westchester station and I decided to make the switch based on the need of our community. The station offers an eclectic mix of music as well as valuable information for Westchester County. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!
Downtown Harrison Fire Installation
I had the honor of attending the Installation of Officers Ceremony for the Downtown Fire Department. I had the honor of not only attending this event, but the privilege of being a member of the Department since 2003. I want to congratulate Chief Henry Mohr, Assistant Fire Chief Dino Delsignore, Second Assistant Fire Chief David Cox and all of the newly installed officers. I have worked side by side with all of the men and women members of the Department and can say with certainty they truly care about the residents of Harrison. Their tireless efforts to keep Harrison safe and continuous training exercises are an example of their dedication to Harrison. Join me in congratulating them and wishing them safe.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I have noticed that the list serve announcement I sent out may be sent to your spam folder instead of your inbox. If you did not receive the email from me today and you believe you should have please check your spam folder. If it is in the spam folder be sure to mark it as "non spam" for the future. Any questions drop me a line at Clerk@harrison-ny-gov or call my office at (914) 670-3030.
Tonight is the first Town/Village Board meeting of the year. I have sent out the agendas via email to all those who signed up for my listserve If you have not receieved the agenda yet or you would like to in the future please call my office at (914) 670-3030 Monday - Friday between the hours of 9am - 5pm. If it is after hours please call my cell at (914) 760-1961 or visit my homepage at and click on "Town Clerk". Please be sure you are signing up for the "Town Clerk's" email list to receive agendas and announcements from my office.
Also, I am working day and night with the IT Department in Town Hall to bring you a new and improved Town Clerk website. If you have any suggeestions on what you want to see from my on-line office please email me at or call my office at (914) 670-3030.
Also, I am working day and night with the IT Department in Town Hall to bring you a new and improved Town Clerk website. If you have any suggeestions on what you want to see from my on-line office please email me at or call my office at (914) 670-3030.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Purchase Fire Dept & League of Women Voters
Today I had the privilege of attending two events in Harrison.
In the early afternoon I went to the Purchase Fire Department's Installation of Officers. I want to thank Fire Chief Joe Brefere and all the members of the Purchase F.D. for the invitation and for their service to the entire community. It was very well attended and that is a credit to their dedication not just to our community, but to the surrounding towns and cities.
Later in the afternoon I attended a "Meet the Candidates" forum hosted by the League of Women Voters. I had a chance to discuss the new and exciting changes that are taking place in my office with a room full of residents. The one thing I stressed is that I want to be available to all residents from whether it be online, in my office or via house calls I will be there to hear you and connect you. I want to thank Lola Geiger who organized the event. Also, many residents approached me with positive feedback about my plans and new website. I encourage everyone to sign up for my email list. If you have not done so, please visit my homepage and click "Join the email list". Any questions, problems or concerns let me know!
(914) 670-3031.
In the early afternoon I went to the Purchase Fire Department's Installation of Officers. I want to thank Fire Chief Joe Brefere and all the members of the Purchase F.D. for the invitation and for their service to the entire community. It was very well attended and that is a credit to their dedication not just to our community, but to the surrounding towns and cities.
Later in the afternoon I attended a "Meet the Candidates" forum hosted by the League of Women Voters. I had a chance to discuss the new and exciting changes that are taking place in my office with a room full of residents. The one thing I stressed is that I want to be available to all residents from whether it be online, in my office or via house calls I will be there to hear you and connect you. I want to thank Lola Geiger who organized the event. Also, many residents approached me with positive feedback about my plans and new website. I encourage everyone to sign up for my email list. If you have not done so, please visit my homepage and click "Join the email list". Any questions, problems or concerns let me know!
(914) 670-3031.
Friday, January 4, 2008
It's Friday...
Many people are coming in to renew their parking passes for the train station. The 2008 stickers are in so I urge you to renew now. Some have come in with parking tickets because they did not renew yet. Please take the time to visit the office and make sure to bring your current registration with you! Some forget that fact and have to go back out to the car and who wants to be out in the cold? Also, when you do renew your sticker be sure to put it in the rear window behind the drivers side so parking enforcement can see it.
It's been a great first week and I look forward to the next one.
It's been a great first week and I look forward to the next one.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Day One - A New Year's Resolution
Today began day one of my tenure as your Town Clerk and I couldn't be been more happy. At 9am residents began to come into the office for parking pass renewals, dog licenses and marriage certificates. I had a chance to chat with all of them who took the time to sign up for my email list. They were excited that they will now recieve Town Board agendas as well as announcements from my office right in the comfort of their own home. I hope you take the time susbcribe to the list on my webpage. If you did stop by the office today you must have realized the counter is missing and few changes are being made. Please bear with us as we are renovating the office to make it more accessible in person and online!
Today, I also made my new years resolution. While meeting various residents I realized that everyone likes to obtain information differently. Some prefer to do business in person while others prefer over the phone or online. No matter what the custom and no matter where you live in town whether it be downtown, West Harrison or Purchase the Office of the Town Clerk must meet your needs with first class service. That is why my resolution is to "connect one Harrison". Geography or customs will be by main concern when disseminating information to all residents. I want you to be connected to your community whether it be in person, on the phone or online. More to come in the coming days...
Today, I also made my new years resolution. While meeting various residents I realized that everyone likes to obtain information differently. Some prefer to do business in person while others prefer over the phone or online. No matter what the custom and no matter where you live in town whether it be downtown, West Harrison or Purchase the Office of the Town Clerk must meet your needs with first class service. That is why my resolution is to "connect one Harrison". Geography or customs will be by main concern when disseminating information to all residents. I want you to be connected to your community whether it be in person, on the phone or online. More to come in the coming days...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
I would like to welcome you to the Clerk's Corner. You may be asking yourself what is a blog? Or why does the Town Clerk have a blog? Those answers are simple. One, a blog is a diary or a collection of thoughts and ideas. It can be used to advertise links or act as a breaking news source. Simply put, it is anything you want it to be. Two, I have this blog to communcate more effectively with you, the residents of Harrison. There are millions of blogs floating out there in cyberspace and this is one that I hope you find helpful. I will post thoughts on my life as your Town Clerk, important news updates from my office or random pics from events I will be attending. Because the blog will be updated on an ongoing basis all of the new posts will be at the top and dated. Please check back often.
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